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Just A Little Taste highlights

More than just a glorified piss up, Monday night was a gathering of likeminded people - artists, writers, actors, thespians, trespians (yes, we know some people walked right past the box office, we know who you are, we admire the gaul.) Thank you so much to everyone that attended. It wouldn't have been the same without such a warm and supportive audience, even more, the crew that helped put this on. Please enjoy some of our favourite snaps and memories from this night.

Photography by Jon Harvey

"For the last time, it's double R, double T" - Adam Perott

"Shall we take this Offline?" - Prince Coleman, acting debut!

Play by Aimee Chester & Vicki Bunce (Starring Courtney Henderson, Prince Coleman, Kezia Turner)

"Not if the cancer gets you first!" - Eleni Varon (Ms Independent). Also the point where our photographer involuntarily laugh/yelped and forgot his job.

"Should I be worried for my sexual health if I tossed him off and then fingered myself?" - Aroused & Confused by Molly Barton and performed by Virginia Sutton, who arrived in matching outfits.

The duo that brought the house down (too many memorable jokes to choose from)

Adam Perrott & Kate McCabe of THE NAME OF THE DAME

A gentle bow out from all of us with music by the gorgeous Anna Kathryn Lynch.

Thank you to AFOS for providing a space for local art and thank you to Feel Good Club for making us feel good.

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