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Bridgerton For Boys

Married with a Dog Blog

Today I had to seek out a handcrafted blanket from our casket of ‘throws for autumnal use only’. My current husband has placed them near me on the settee, so I don’t accidentally lose my toes in this cooling weather. I am not one to bend to the whims of the central heating system before winter formally begins on the 1st of December. Especially considering the cost of living crisis has pushed the start of the central heating season firmly into February 2025.

Nonetheless, the blankets will suffice for the time being. I do quite remind myself of Charlie’s elderly grandparents in that movie where the heirless billionaire kills children in an archaic version of Squid Game. Today my beverage is a hot chocolate with whiskey as a homage.

For those worried about the dog, do not fear. The lack of limb means there is about 25% less of her to heat up. She is currently nestled between these blankets here somewhere if I could possibly scrounge the energy to search for her. I have found, dear reader, this business of following your dreams and subsequently lamenting the day away is quite tiring at times.

However, I once more digress. Today I would like to discuss a quite interesting piece of consumable media. For those old enough to remember the phenomenon that was Game of Thrones, you may be aware that a prequel series has arrived for those privileged enough not to have run out of email addresses to subscribe to NOW TV’s free trial month.

Incest aside, a phrase I do not use lightly, the show indulges in its new tone while peppering in enough longing glances and decapitation to keep its audience engaged.

HBO’s House of the Dragon features the familiar faces of everyone’s second favourite Doctor Who, that guy from Hot Fuzz, and I think maybe a ginger gentleman from Harry Potter appears as an extra. Though GoT’s final season was received notoriously poorly by audiences, I’ve found watching HoD has reminded me what an excellent opportunity this show presents to young, new and aspiring British actors from across all seven kingdoms. That was a joke that references the show for those unaware.

(The woman of House of the Dragon caving to the regency-esque subtext of each others torments - HBO/House Of The Dragon, courtesy of the BBC.)

Though its predecessor relied heavily on explicit content in its earlier seasons to engage its audience, some may be relieved to hear that HoD has been somewhat slow on its nudity uptake. This is not the only difference between the two. Political warfare has been at the heart of the world-building for these serieses... seriesi... but in HoD, it very much feels like I'm watching a convention for the cunning, calculating and convoluting courtiers every week, underlined of course by broad strokes of casual incest.

With its more focused approach to the ultimate question, ‘who will win the game of thrones?’, it comes with greater detailing on who, what and when a woman should spread her legs. When yet another marital pairing was conceived in the third episode, my current husband fondly kinned the storyline to ‘Bridgerton for boys.’ Though I usually despise such blatant gender stereotyping, I couldn’t help but agree with the sentiment. Perhaps it was the fact that many of the scenes are dark enough for a man to confess his emotions without committing to text you back in the morning.

Incest aside, a phrase I do not use lightly, the show indulges in its new tone while peppering in enough longing glances and decapitation to keep its audience engaged. But the real question is, is it worth selling my lung for a Sky box when The Rings of Power is on Amazon Prime? Only time will tell.

The dog and I give this show a respectable: 4 Sukis.

Until next time.

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